Your logo represents your financial firm, so it's vital to get have good foundations when starting the design process as it can be hard to change your financial logo once your brand has been established.

1. Simplicity
The best financial logos give your audience an immediate and clear sense of your financial firm and are clean and uncluttered. Ideally, you want your financial logo to be as clear as possible while conveying your brand identity and values.
2. Timelessness
A timeless financial logo will look just as good in ten years as it does today. Certain styles are more timeless than others, and it’s important to factor this into your financial logo design to ensure you’re not investing in a short-lived fad.
3. Versatility
Your logo represents your financial brand's identity. It will be displayed on your website, business cards and other marketing material. This means your logo needs to be versatile so that it can fit all these contexts. Your logo should also be able to work with any colour or background. So it still needs to look great in black and white with no effects.
4. Memorability
A financial logo should be easily recalled after just a glance. Like any symbol, it needs to stand for something specific, and it should be easily recalled. A logo that’s overly complex or overly stylised will be difficult for your audience to connect with your brand and ultimately remember.
Do you need a logo for your financial services firm? If so, then we’d love to learn more. Get in touch with us to book a free, no-commitment consultation or call us on 0432 412 024.