SEO (search engine optimisation) is a process of improving your website’s rank in search engines. By specifically targeting financial SEO keywords for financial advisors you will help to increase your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. The most popular search engine is Google, with a 94.45% market share; so financial advisors should cater their SEO efforts to the more than 200 Google ranking factors in order to achieve a position on the first page.

SEO for financial advisors is an essential marketing strategy that can help to:
Allow potential clients who looking online for financial advisor-related SEO keywords to find you
Grow your brand awareness and online presence
If you have a blog it can increase your readership and email subscribers
There are two types of people when it comes to SEO: Financial advisors who think it doesn't matter, and those that are using it to grow their business.
How SEO Keywords Increase Your Rankings In Search Engines
One of the ranking factors that search engines use to determine if your website should be displayed is the keywords they contain. The more relevant a website is for these terms, the higher it will be ranked in search results pages. Financial Services SEO Keywords are especially important if you want your webpage to appear when someone submits a query in search engines for a service you offer.
A good example would be a financial advisor that offers investment advice. This financial advisor should have plenty of word variations such as "investment advice", "help with investment advice" and so forth within their content - this way, people who look on search engines for similar queries will be more likely to see your website.
The Importance of SEO Keywords For Financial Advisors
Keywords are words and phrases that are included throughout your website that define what your content relates to. Financial advisor SEO keywords are absolutely crucial to any financial advisor’s SEO campaign. They give the search engine a better idea of what your content is about and can help you rank higher for popular searches that potential clients are searching for every day, leading more traffic back to your website. For your advisor business, they could be words like “financial planning”, “financial advice” or “retirement planning.”
Connecting with prospective clients is the first step in turning them into new clients. Correctly utilising SEO keywords for financial advisors can help these prospects find you on Google when searching for help or advice. Without SEO and keywords, they won’t know your financial services firm exists on Google.

Types of Financial Services SEO Keywords
Targeting the right types of financial advisor SEO keywords is the foundation of a successful search engine optimisation campaign. When you focus on the right types of keyword opportunities, it drives more qualified traffic and leads from your financial services website. There are three types of keywords that you can utilise to generate traffic.
Short-tail keywords
A short-tail keyword is a single word or word phrase that can represent the broad meaning of your financial services content. These keywords generate the highest search volumes, so can make financial advisors think they are the best financial advisor SEO keywords to target, however, this is not usually the case. The reason for this is that they are also the most competitive which makes them a lot harder to rank for. They are also broader, which means they may not apply directly to your service offerings, resulting in a lower conversion rate. For example, you may offer investment advice and are hoping to rank for the keyword “investment”, but it would be almost impossible to outrank MoneySmart, AMP and CommSec for this keyword.
Medium-tail keywords
Medium-tail keywords consist of two to three words, making them less competitive and more specific than short-tail keywords. Using the previous example “investment advice” and “investment advice Sydney” are great examples of medium-tail keywords. While not impossible, these phrases are still extremely difficult to rank for due to the competition, so another strategy could be to rank for a specific suburb or area within Sydney such as. If you live in a smaller, less competitive city such as Brisbane, then it could be possible to rank for the keyword “investment advice Brisbane” with considerably less effort. While it’s worth including these types of search engine keywords in your content, it’s not always the best strategy to try to rank for these keywords straight away, especially if you have a new website.
Long-Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords consist of four or more words, making them by far the least competitive of the keyword types - but are far more specific. Due to their specific nature, these search engine keywords result in the highest conversion rate, as the search result that is displayed specifically answers their query. These types of keywords account for 70% of all searches and can take the form of a question or statement. Building on our previous example again, two long-tail keyword examples could be “investing in your 30s Australia” and “how should I invest my retirement money after retirement?”. These people are searching for help with a specific topic that you can help them with. If you can create an article that targets one of these keywords and provide value, then you could secure them as a client. You could take this concept one step further by creating a free consultation offer and placing it at the end of the article. This will help to increase conversion rates by allowing them to make an informed decision before committing.
Targeting The Right SEO Keywords For Financial Advisors
The importance of choosing the right keywords in search engine optimisation cannot be overstated. Keyword research will yield lucrative results when properly implemented into an SEO strategy. For a long-term SEO strategy, we recommend targeting a combination of medium and long-tail keywords as part of your keyword research. The long-tail keywords will be ranked first, allowing for a quicker return on investment. Then the medium-tail keywords will follow after consistent efforts have been made over a longer period.
In order to target the right SEO keywords for financial advisors there are two factors to consider; search volume and keyword difficulty (competition). Search volume gives you an approximate range of people that search for that keyword every month. Keyword difficulty gives you an indication of how difficult it will be to rank on the first page, based on the authority and relevancy of the other websites that are currently ranking. You can use the Ahrefs keyword difficulty tool as part of your keyword research process to quickly determine the difficulty of a particular keyword; be sure to select “Australia” as your target country - see highlighted section in the image below.

In the example above I analysed the difficulty of the keyword “investment advice Brisbane” and received a result of 10. This means it would be relatively easy to rank for this keyword based on the current competition. The lower the number you receive as part of your keyword research the easier it will be to rank for that specific keyword. A result above 60 will be almost impossible to rank for, so you are better off finding a less competitive keyword to target. If you receive the result “Sorry, we don’t have data for this keyword”, it doesn’t mean nobody searches it, but instead that the keyword has little competition so it will be a lot easier to rank for.
50 SEO Keywords for Financial Advisors
The following search engine keywords generate between 10-1,000 searches per month in Australia. If you would like to learn more about the competitiveness of each of these search engine keywords then you can use the Ahrefs keyword difficulty tool described above to get an indication of the keyword difficulty.
financial advisor
financial advisor near me
financial planner
certified financial planner
financial planning near me
independent financial advisor
best financial advisors
personal financial advisor
fiduciary financial advisor
fee only financial planner
financial advisory services
wealth management advisor
chartered financial planner
certified financial advisor
top financial advisors
find a financial advisor
certified financial planner near me
independent financial advisor near me
fiduciary financial advisor near me
fee only financial advisor
financial planning services
best financial advisors near me
best financial advisor firms
pension advisors
financial advisor companies
retirement advisor
fee only financial planner near me
fee based financial planner
fee based financial advisor
financial planning companies
retirement financial advisor
personal financial planner
financial advisors in my area
business financial advisor
licensed financial advisor
local financial advisor
top financial advisor firms
best financial planners
best fee only financial advisors near me
registered financial advisor
female financial advisor
cfp certified financial planner
top rated financial advisors near me
choosing a financial advisor
chartered financial advisor
top rated financial advisors
top financial advisors near me
recommended financial advisors
women financial advisors
the best financial advisors
How To Use Financial Advisor Keywords On Your Website
If you want to rank high on search engines for specific financial advisor SEO keywords and attract more traffic, it's crucial that your website naturally includes relevant keywords. The best practice for keyword optimisation is to incorporate them naturally throughout the content so as not to come across as spammy. Content should be designed for humans first, and Google second. Apart from the page content, it is also important to include your keyword or keyword variations in the following places:
Title Tag
Meta description
Image alt-tags
H1, H2 or H3
Anchor text
If you have a Google My Business listing then we also recommend including your top keywords naturally throughout your listing as it will also help to increase its visibility in search results.
Effective SEO will not only help your digital marketing strategy but also generate leads and brand awareness.
SEO Keywords For Financial Advisors
Optimising your financial services website for specific financial advisor SEO keywords will help create a foundation for your search engine optimisation strategy. However, SEO is a complex process that requires expertise in many areas. In order to successfully rank for specific keywords, there are over 200 Google ranking factors that your website will need to be optimised for. Many financial companies do not have the time or resources to optimise their website for specific keywords and often rely on either automated systems or one-size-fits-all solutions. This can lead to poor results and wasted time and money. At Bectre, we will work with you to create a results-driven SEO strategy that targets your ideal clients, using our advanced technical knowledge of SEO best practices. If you want help from an SEO expert to generate new traffic and clients, then we can help. Contact us for an obligation free quote or call us on 0432 412 024.